Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Age Problems

Try your best to guess our ages!  We have encrypted then in mysterious mathematical marvels.  Good luck and may algebra be with you!


  1. 1. If you take a third of my age, increase it by 9 and double it the result is 36. What is my age?

    2. Three times my age plus 9 is the same as twice my age increased by 4 times a third of my age. What is my age?


  2. Answer for #2 by 3rd Graders:
    3x+9=2x+4[1/3(x)] The age is 27 years old.

  3. 1. 1/2 of my age increased by 5 is equal to 1/2 of my age added to 1 plus 4. What is my age?

    2. 3/5 of my age added to 4 equals 2/5 of my age increased by 6. What is my age?

    3. 2/5 of my age then doubled added to 2 is the same as 3 plus 2/5 my age increased by 3. What is my age?

    4. 3/18 of my age times 6 added to 36 is equal to 3/18 of my age times 8. What is my age?


  4. 1. 1/2 my age doubled plus 20 is equal to 1/2 my age quadrupled plus 10

    2.Isacc is 4, Bob is 5 and Bran is 6. ¼my age times 6 plus Bob's age is equal to 1/4 my age doubled plus Isaac's age plus Bran's age plus Bob's age. What is my age?

    1. 1. was not very difficult.

  5. 1. My age times three is equal to 27.

    2.If you take a third of my age 15 times you get 45.

    3. If you take 5 times a third of my age and increase it by 39 the result is the same as 51 plus a third of my age.


    1. not a hard problem

      Super Secret

    2. 1. not too bad a little easy
      2.got a bit harder

  6. 1. 1 half of my age times 7 and then plus 1 is equal to 36 .What is my age?

    2. My age times 5 plus 7 is equal to 47 plus my age. What is my age?

    3. 1 half of my age times 15 plus 2 is equal to 7 times my actual age plus 7. What is my age?

    4.Abby said " if you take 9 year old Jazmine's age then double it and add 22 and increase the result by 2 it equals Mrs. Foss' age. How old is Mrs. Foss?


    1. 1. It was a little difficult but I figured it out.
      2.It was not very hard you need to hide your age a little more.

  7. 1. My age plus 16, doubled equals four times my age plus 10. How old am I?

    2. My age plus 27, doubled equals three times my age plus 5 doubled

    3. My age plus 55 times ten equals 3 times my age doubled

    4. My age times 17 equals twice the age of Morgan Freeman plus 33. If Morgan Freeman is 77 how old am I


    1. 1. Half of my age plus 2 plus 3 increase half of my age equals fifteen. How old am I.

      2. One fourth of my age doubled increased by 541/2 equals 57 plus one fourth of my age.

      3. 7 times double my age plus 30 increase 30 is the same as 6 times double my age's result increase 80.

      4.Anna's age tripled, increased by 22 is the same as my age which is 10 plus Anna's age increased by 38 which is my dad's age.

      By Hunter

  8. 1.) If you add 6 to my age and double it you will get 32. How old am I?

    2.) If you take half my age and add 21 and double it you will get 52. How old am I?

    3.) If you take half of my age times 4, add 6, and double it, it is the same as 3 times half my age increased by 37. What is my age?

    4.) If you have 2 times my brothers age increased by 20 it is the same as my brothers age times 3 increased by 5 and increased by 10-7. How old is my brother?

    cheese pizza

    1. cool problem

      super secret

    2. 1.could be a little harder
      2.pretty good it took me a sec
      3.getting harder
      4.getting good

      RC car

  9. 1. If you add 6 to my age, then double it, add 10. Subtract it by 7 and it will equal 37. What is my age?

    2. When half my age is subtracted by 3 then, doubled you get 5. What is my age?

    3. If you subtract 3 from my age, times it by 6 you will get 48. What is my age?

    4. My mom's age doubled plus 30 times 2 equals 200. How old is my mom?


  10. 1.take my age dubble it than add 3 the total is 21

    2. karli is two times as old as Anja the sum of there ages is 27. How old is Anja?

    3. Dylan is trying to figure out Anja's age she said take my age ad four tree times. You get 39. How old is anja?

    the red door

  11. 1. 5 times Raegan's age is Rylee's age. The sum of their ages pluss 8 equals to twice Rylee's age. How old is Rylee?

    2.Rylee's age add 11 equals Chelsey's age. If you add their ages together and add 12 it equals 43. How old is Rylee?

    3. Frenchie is trying to figure out how old Rylee is. Rylee said "take my age double it and add 15 you will get 35. How old is Rylee


  12. 1.Twice my age increased by 4 doubled is equal to my age increased by 15 and then doubled. What is my age?

    2. 6 times my age increased by 6 is equal to 2 times 10 plus 8 increased by 4 times my age What is my age?

    3. 5 times my age increased by my age two years ago is equal to my age and 5 quadrupled. What is my age?

    Super Secret

    1. Pretty difficult it was hard to figure it out i think you did a good job.
      Doodlehead out

  13. 1.4X Steve Jobs' age when he died, increased by 3X7 plus 1, is equal to 3 times Steve Jobs' age when he died, increased by 22X4-12. How old was Steve Jobs when he died.

    2.Twice my age, increased by 9, doubled, and increased by 9, doubled, and increased by 16, is the same as 4 times my age, plus 1/2 doubled, and subtracted by the opposite of my age. How old am I?

    3.Fred's age, tripled, increased by Fred's age, plus 17, is the same as 35, doubled, increased by 1, plus Fred's age. How old is Fred?

    UR GRANDPA!11111

  14. 1. My age, increased by 1, then hexrupled, increased by my age, is equal to six times my age, then increased by (1+4x4) (order of operations). How old am I?

    2.My age, increased by (933+500), is the same as half of 2,888. What is my age?

    3.My age, increased by (38+39), is the same as half of 176. What is my age?

    Sprinkle Kitty
